emergency root canal

7 Reasons to Get Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment (also known as endodontic treatment) is an important part of maintaining the health of your smile! If you’re at all familiar with root canals, then you know they aren’t exactly the most pleasant dental procedure out there. But it turns out that root canals are actually good for your teeth and gums, especially if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort in your teeth and are wondering if root canal treatment is right for you! At Drs.

Symptoms of an infected tooth

The symptoms of an infected tooth can be: swelling, soreness, fever, redness around your tooth, a bump or growth near your infected tooth and bad breath. If any of these symptoms occur you should see a dentist immediately. You should never try to treat an infection on your own because it will most likely get worse without treatment. The pain from an infected tooth is very similar to that of a normal toothache; however there are some differences. The pain from an infected tooth may radiate into different areas such as back or neck.

How to know if you need a root canal

Although there’s no doubt that having a root canal procedure is unpleasant, there are times when it’s necessary. However, people often don’t realize that they need one until after their symptoms become severe. How can you tell if you have a tooth with an infected nerve? If you have extreme sensitivity in your teeth or gums, experience swelling and pain for more than two days (not just when flossing), or notice new areas of sensitivity then it may be time to get evaluated by your dentist.

Consider alternative options before getting a root canal

If you’re experiencing chronic pain, and endodontic therapy (root canal treatment) seems like your only solution, you may want to think twice. Research shows that in most cases, our bodies can heal on their own—and there are many ways to support that process. Before rushing into a costly procedure like root canal therapy, try some or all of these: 1. Consume peppermint tea 2. Freeze a hot water bottle and use it as an ice pack 3. Suck on candied ginger 4. Take over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen 5. Consider getting acupuncture 6. Use reflexology massage 7. Practice meditation techniques 8.

What are your options?

If you have a tooth that is decayed or has a cavity, your dentist may recommend getting a emergency root canal. But what exactly is it? And if you need one, how can you tell which option will be best for you? To find out, read on for 7 of the top reasons why you should get root canal treatment. 1. You’re in pain: The first and most obvious reason to get a root canal is because you’re in pain. Although there are other treatments available for a tooth with decay or infection, these options aren’t always effective at relieving symptoms like sensitivity and throbbing. Plus, some treatments could even lead to further complications down the road if they don’t fully address your issue right away—so going straight to root canal treatment can save you time and money in the long run. 2. You want peace of mind: A broken or damaged tooth might not cause too much trouble at first, but it could lead to major problems down the road if left untreated.

Make sure your dentist/doctor is qualified

A specialist in endodontics is needed for a alternative to root canal. An endodontist, which comes from two Greek words, endo, meaning inside, and odontos meaning tooth, has four years of additional education beyond dental school. Endodontists learn a host of details that general dentists don’t have time for: specific material science (polymers), anatomy and biology (nerves and vessels), radiology (imaging technology), root canal treatment procedures and materials. All of these extra years spent studying help an endodontist diagnose patients’ oral health issues accurately so they can get you on your way to healthy teeth faster than general dentists can.

Let them know what’s going on

It can be hard enough to admit you have a dental problem, let alone tell someone how you feel about it. But Dr. Ismaili advises patients and dentists alike, if something isn’t going well, communicate openly with your dentist. Let them know what’s going on and together you can find a solution that suits both of your needs in a comfortable way. If you are experiencing something uncomfortable at home or work with your tooth or mouth, make sure to call our offices in Mississauga ON, Canada at 905-306-4943 (FORTIS Dental) for an appointment today! We look forward to serving you!

Don’t let it fester

A tooth infection that’s left untreated can lead to a much more serious and difficult-to-fix problem. So, if you feel like something just isn’t right with your mouth, it’s time to see a dentist. There are plenty of reasons for concern, including: unexplained jaw pain, swelling in or around your gums, bad breath that doesn’t go away after brushing, loose teeth or teeth that crack when you chew on them. These are all signs of an infection on its way—or an infection already there—that needs immediate treatment before it gets worse.

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