Many things could make it impossible to pay back what you owe. Don’t immediately assume it’s because of bad money management or spending more than you can afford. You could quickly fall into debt if you lost your job, got sick and couldn’t go back to work, got pregnant when you didn’t plan to or lost a family member.
In April 2022, each household in the UK paid an average of £7,264, which is the same as each adult paying £3,817. Between 2009 and 2019, the average British household’s credit card debt went up by £600, from £2,014 to £2,626 (or £1,386 per person). This is up from a low point of £2,014 in 2009.
Debt can have effects on a person or a whole family that go beyond money and affect other areas of life as well. When debts keep getting bigger and bigger, it can make people feel stressed, worried, and even sad.
Source: nimblefins
Now, the question is, what should you do if you find yourself in a tough financial situation?
The most important thing you need to do is remember that you can get help and get out of debt. Here in this article, you can learn everything you need to know about how to get out of debt and where to get help.
9 Ways To Pay Credit Card Debt
1. Set a Goal
Set realistic objectives if you want to pay off high-interest credit cards or other consumer debt. In this case, make realistic goals. It’s preferable to have a goal, even if it’s only making a minimal payment.
It’s simple to pile up credit card debt, but it takes effort and self-discipline to pay it off in a way that works for you. Follow your progress to stay on track and inspired. Make SMART (specific, measurable, realistic, relevant, and timely) financial objectives to stay on track.
If you know where you’re going, it’s easy to plan your route. If you’re stuck, a certified counsellor can assist.
2. Put Your Credit Cards on Ice
If you want to get out of debt, take out your credit cards so you won’t be tempted. Keeping them in your wallet will keep you in debt.
Put your credit cards on ice until you’ve paid off your expenses. If you pay with cash instead of credit, you can differentiate what you need from what you desire. It will also help you track and think about your spending.
When you’ve paid off all of your debt, you might want to use only one or two of your cards again.
3. Prioritise Your Debts
As the first stage in your strategy to pay off your debt, make a list of everything you owe and rank them from most to least significant. Mortgage and automobile payments are frequently at the top of most people’s lists because they’re needed to live and go to work.
What’s significant to one individual could not be important to another. Many people wish to pay off their debts with the highest interest rates first, while others want to get rid of payday or weekly installment loans as fast as possible.
Find out which of your financial commitments are most critical so that you can pay invoices in order. The idea is to come up with a payment plan that satisfies your financial demands and keeps you motivated to pay off your debts one by one. This is achievable if you have a payment plan that fits your budget.
4. Trim Your Expenses
You may be able to pay off your debt faster and get out of debt sooner if you look at your monthly expenses and look for ways to cut back on spending.
Start by writing down everything you spend over the next two weeks. You’ll know where your money is going. Check how you spend money to save more. If you save even a small amount of money each month, you will be much closer to being debt-free.
5. Create a Monthly Spending Plan
Make a monthly spending plan to get out of debt and stop using credit cards to borrow money. If you do this, you can avoid getting into credit card debt and live within your means. If you follow the plan, it will display when you are debt-free.
You can use a budget calculator worksheet. It walks you through the process and makes budgeting easier. If you do this, you may pay off debts fast and stay on budget.
6. Use the Avalanche Method
Many people find the Avalanche Method helps them get out of credit card debt.
The process is as follows: once you’ve paid off any debts with set monthly payments, pay the minimum on the card with the lowest interest rate and the maximum on the card with the highest interest rate.
After you have paid off one debt, you should then utilise any remaining funds to pay off the credit card that has the following highest interest rate. The Avalanche Method saves money and pays off debt quicker.
7. Use the Snowball Method
Many people get out of debt fast by paying off lower credit card payments. This might affect many individuals since it gives them a sense of progress. This might inspire many to keep paying off debt. Here is the process:
- Put additional money toward the card with the least debt. Paying off this card will make you happy and accomplished.
- You shouldn’t keep making the minimum monthly payment on the credit card with the lowest limit. Pay off the next-smallest credit card debt. You should add additional money to this debt to pay it off fast, but the trick is to free up money by paying off lesser credit card payments first. This reduces debt rapidly. Saving on monthly payments helps pay off credit cards faster.
- Repeat, but use the leftover money to pay down the next lowest credit card payment. Your monthly payment will keep adding to itself, so your debts will be paid off faster. You’ll be more driven to keep paying off bills as you pay off each card.
8. Use Savings
Many people put money into savings plans every month. This is great as this money could help you pay off your debts faster or even pay them off completely.
After setting up an emergency fund and saving for one-time expenses, you might want to wait to put more money into your savings accounts until you’ve paid off any debt. This is a great plan for people who aren’t saving for something specific, like car repairs.
The amount you save and the interest rate you get from any savings account will be much less than the amount you save by paying off your debts faster. To speed up this process, you might want to use cash boosts like tax returns, raises at work, and other financial opportunities.
9. A Debt Consolidation Loan
Debt consolidation loans and balance transfers can be useful when handled appropriately.
Consider a consolidation loan or shifting credit card balances to a card with a reduced interest rate to pay off all your debt at once. For this, you can easily take loans from banks or private money lenders uk. However, before signing anything, make sure you understand the terms, any hidden expenses, and how much interest you can save.
Choosing this option means cancelling all credit cards. If you don’t, you may be tempted to keep using them, adding to your debt and worsening your finances.
If you have a lot of money on your credit cards, it could hurt your credit score. How much debt you have compared to how much credit you can use greatly affects your credit score. If you use all of the available credit on your credit cards, your usage rate will be high. It will probably hurt your credit score.
Paying off the balance on your credit card may be good for your personal finances, your credit score, and your overall sense of well-being. But you have to work for it.
Several ways to pay off your debts include taking out weekly installment loans, using snowball and avalanche approaches, and more. You decide which methods or ideas to use. Try putting some of these ideas into action immediately to start paying off your credit cards.