What is the best cat food for cats with urinary tract problems?
Let’s start by saying that urinary tract problems through cat food are widespread with cats, so don’t worry too much if your pet has a problem. Keep in mind that they can be severe, so keep an eye on things like:
Frequent and prolonged urination
Urinating outside the garbage tray
Very little or no urination
Pressure to urinate
Blood in the urine
Obvious pain during urination or blood in the urine are also indications that your cat needs to see a doctor.
You may be wondering, ‘What are urinary tract problems?’ And ‘How can I prevent my pets from getting infected?’
The most common problems are:
Crystals in the urine
- Bladder stones.
- Blocked urethra
These, in turn, are all associated symptoms of FLUDT ¬– Feline’s lower urinary tract disease. Cats Food are susceptible to them because their bladder walls are sensitive and prone to stress.
You can do a few things to reduce your cat’s risk of FLUDT.
Keep their stress levels low
Most cats are affected by significant changes in their environment and cat foods. Things like new homes, new furniture, new people and new pets can be a nuisance to them. You can manage their stress levels by keeping them engaged and active and providing best royal canin persian adult cat food.
By giving them lots of toys to play with and paying close attention to them. But, you should also pay special attention to their urination habits when disrupting their environment or routine.
Consider changing the quantity and quality of your pet’s food
High-quality foods contain the right amount of magnesium, phosphorus, protein and calcium to reduce the risk of crystals in the urine. Adding wet and dry cat foods to your cat’s diet is also a great way to keep them hydrated and prevent urinary tract infections. Finally, think about reducing your cat’s calorie intake.
Overweight cats are more sensitive to FLUDT, so reducing their food intake and encouraging them to exercise more are the best ways to improve their urinary tract health. If you decide that your friend can benefit from a change in diet, move their cat foods to a safe period.
You are wondering what to feed your cats? Applaws are 50% premium matte in dry food and up to 75% in applause wet food, making both very high quality. Combining the two can give your cat the ideal diet and reduce the risk of developing urinary tract problems. To see the range of apps, click here. If you have concerns about your cat’s health, always consult your doctor.