Common mistakes people do when moving into a new home

Moving into a new place can be pretty hectic. The packing and transportation can be such nerve-wrecking and time-consuming tasks and surely nobody looks forward to doing all of that. However, there is a way for you to make this job easier and to do so you should definitely try to avoid some of the following mistakes. 

Moving During Rush Hour

Packing and moving into a new place is a time-consuming and challenging task as it is. You definitely don’t want to worsen it by choosing a bad timing for transporting all of your stuff. So, try to choose any time of the day other than rush hour to move your things. Not only will this waste your time, but it will also waste your money. Traffic congestion will eat up both your gas and your time, resulting in higher prices for the moving process. 

To avoid getting stuck in traffic, make sure to organise the move on time. Ask the movers to arrive at your home as early as possible in the morning so that you can start your moving process as soon as possible. That way, you will have enough time to move everything and avoid the rush hour. 

Forgetting To Declutter

We all get tempted to just pack everything we own and move. However, realistically speaking, there are probably a lot of things in our home we simply no longer use. So, why would you pay extra money to the movers to transport the stuff you’re eventually going to get rid of anyway? 

Decluttering your things can actually be the most efficient part of packing and moving. To declutter your home, you can go through your stuff and either sell or donate the things you don’t use anymore. That way, you will save some money and even space for your moving. It’s like a whole new fresh start. 

Not making a list

If you rely on just packing things as you go, you will most likely forget something or end up mixing everything up in different boxes. It’s better if you make even a brief list of the things you need to pack and categorise them on that list so that you know what things belong to what groups. This will save you a lot of time since you won’t have to wander around the house looking for the next thing to pack. You will simply be following the list. 

Procrastinating Your Packing

One of the possibly worst mistakes you can make is waiting last minute to start packing. We all know how easy it is to slip into procrastination, but packing and moving can’t afford to be done last minute.

As soon as you know for sure that you will be moving, you should start packing your things. You can start by packing the stuff that you don’t really use on a daily basis and the day by day work towards packing more essential things. For instance, you will probably pack personal hygiene and skin care products on the last day or the night before you move. 

Not hiring professionals

A lot of people also tend to organise the move on their own thinking it’s an easy job. However, the move itself and the transportation of things is probably the hardest part. Not only do you have to be capable of loading and unloading the truck with insanely heavy things, but you also have to be able to carry everything from your house and into the new one. If you’re inexperienced with this you can end up causing damage to your property or the furniture that you’re carrying. For that reason, hiring professional services of home and office removals is the best way to go about it. You will know for sure that your furniture is in good hand and that the transportation will go smoothly and without any issues. 

Not labelling the boxes

This is a step that a lot of people seem to skip, yet it can be extremely useful. Labelling the boxes you use for the moving can give you a large advantage both during the packing and unpacking process. 

Firstly, as you pack, labelling will help you organise your things into separate boxes. You will be less likely to mix things up. You will instantly start categorising your things into clothes, dishes, silverware, bathroom stuff, and others. Then, when you get to your new place, it will be much easier for you to know where everything is. Without having to open each and every box individually you will know what every box contains. That way, if some things are more urgent to be unpacked, you can start by unpacking them first because you will instantly know where they’re placed. 


Overall, if you make a list, categorise your stuff, label your boxes, declutter your home before the move, and avoid rush hours your moving process will be much smoother. With a little help from professionals, you won’t even feel like you’re moving. It will be a smooth transition. 


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