Gynecomastia in Ludhiana
The word Gynecomastia is derived from two Greek words, Gyne meaning female and Mastos meaning breast. Gynecomastia is a medical condition that causes enlargement of the male breast tissue.

Gynecomastia – Causes, Types, Liposuction and Other Surgical Treatment Options

What is Gynecomastia?

The word Gynecomastia is derive from two Greek words, Gyne meaning female and Mastos meaning breast. Gynecomastia is a medical condition that causes enlargement of the male breast tissue. Although Gynecomastia in Ludhiana translates to “female breast”, it is strictly a condition that affects only males. In many cases, the condition gets better on its own. But for others, gynecomastia liposuction and other forms of surgery are the only way to shrink the enlarged breast tissue.

Cause of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia usually occurs during times of hormonal changes, such as during infancy, puberty and old age. The most common changes in hormones include an increase in estrogen or a decrease in testosterone. The condition of gynecomastia is very common in teenage boys; however in about 90% of these cases, the condition naturally disappears as their adolescence follows its course.

The condition can sometimes associated with other diseases. Such as testicular cancer liver disease tumors of certain glands thyroid disorders or breast cancer.

Obesity is the cause of gynecomastia in Ludhiana. In this case, if the patient loses a fraction of their weight through diet and exercise, this will usually cure the gynecomastia without the need for any type of surgery. In a small number of cases, surgery is consider as the best option. Usually in these cases, the gynecomastia is causing psychological problems to the patient to a great extent.

For this reason, doctors often run a variety of tests before diagnosing patients with benign gynecomastia and recommending them for any type of gynecomastia liposuction or surgery.

Grades of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is divided into grades of classification, with the most common system being as follows:

  1. Minimal growth in breast tissue without any additional skin.
  2. Medium-sized enlargement of breast tissue with or without excess skin.
  3. Exceptional breast tissue growth with excess skin.

Gynecomastia Liposuction and Other Surgery Options are-

Whether a patient is a candidate for surgical treatment for gynecomastia depends on several factors, such as:

  1. overall health
  2. Age
  3. Medical history
  4. Bet limit
  5. Tolerance to specific treatments, including drugs and procedures
  6. Future forecast/expectations
  7. patient preference
  8. Obesity
  9. Tumor
  10. Puberty
  11. Steroid abuse
  12. Side effects of medicines
  13. Genetic disorder

Other forms of gynecomastia liposuction and / or surgery include:

Suction Lipectomemi :- This is a type of gynecomastia liposuction which gives the ability to dilute the edges of the tissues of breast tissues without any unpleasant side effects.

Endoscopic Surgery: – Very few aggressive processes compare to open surgery. Endoscopic surgery is a small, flexible tube with a light and finally a camera lenses (an endoscope) so that the inside of the breast can be checked.

Through this method of surgery, breast tissues without a big surgical incision can be remove.

Open Surgery: -In more serious cases of gynecomastia, sometimes an open surgical procedure is require.

For those men who find their increased breast tissue uncomfortable or embarrassed, the other form of gaincomastia liposuction or surgery is often recommended. Gynecomastia liposuction is the lowest aggressive form of surgery.

How is Gynecomastia Diagnosed?

The doctor will probably do a physical examination of the breasts and then ask a series of questions about your breasts to find out how long you’ve had them and the degree of tenderness you experience. To find out the what is cause of your Gynecomastia the doctor will inquire about your medical history as well as any medications you are taking.

How is gynecomastia treated?

In many cases, Gynecomastia does not require any treatment and will go away silently on its own. In other cases, treatment may depend on the cause. For example, if the cause is a medication you are taking, then hopefully there is a suitable alternative that would be just as effective but without the effects of gynecomastia.

This surgery removes glandular tissue and/or fat behind the breast in order to create a more masculine-looking chest.

Surgery for Gynecomastia can often conduct under local anaesthetic with some sedation and the patient is treated as an outpatient. However, as with all surgeries, whether it is such low risk or high risk, there is always an element of risk of excessive bleeding, fluid loss and problems associated with the anesthesia. The patient should be healthy and emotionally stable otherwise the risk of surgery increases.

This surgery is usually consider as a cosmetic.So it is often difficult to obtain funding or for public health bodies to accept you as a patient.

Types of Gynecomastia

Type 1: Gynecomastia / Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the development of abnormally large breasts on males. The condition is not physically dangerous, but it is certainly troublesome for men of all ages, especially teenagers. In most cases, cases of gynecomastia in adolescence are not due to obesity but to hormonal imbalances. In 2 to 3 years the condition will get better on its own.

Type 2: Pseudo gynecomastia or false gynecomastia

Pseudo gynecomastia is define as the accumulation of excess fat in the pectoral region. It can treat in a very easy way.

Now that you know the difference between the two types of gynecomastia, your next step is to get rid of it. Gynecomastia in Ludhiana can help you find the right treatment to get rid of male breast.

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