A home automation system connects your electrical devices and appliances to a central control hub, which can be accessed and controlled using any mobile phone or tablet using a wireless network. You can still operate these gadgets remotely even if you’re not at home. Hexa Control provides home automation systems in Toronto for older and aged people. These include wireless home security systems as well. These smart home automation systems in Toronto are affordable and needed by everyone.
Benefits Of Home Automation Systems For Older People
In 2017, there were 962 million persons in the world over the age of 60, according to the United Nations. In 1980, the worldwide 60+ population was twice as large as it would be in 30 years, but only half as large as in another 30 years.
Experts anticipate that by 2050, there will be a population of 2.1 billion people on the planet.
In 2030, there will be 1.41 billion adults over the age of 65, compared to 1.35 billion children under the age of 10. We’re all living longer, then. While this is good, it also means that more of us will need a little assistance around the house.
Many of our parents and grandparents may enjoy their freedom and independence for many years to come if they obtain that additional aid sooner rather than later.
Here are some of the most crucial smart home innovations that may help you care for your elderly loved ones even if you can’t be there in person.
1. Internet-connected security devices
WiFi-enabled monitoring devices let you check on family members’ safety, comfort, eating, and sleeping without violating their privacy or dignity.
We’d all want to be there for our families 24/7/365, but with work and kids, we can’t.
Here’s where a WiFi-enabled monitoring system shines.
Hexa Control’s Elderly Monitoring System offers peace of mind that your loved ones are secure, comfortable, and protected. Their smart home monitoring system may notify your phone if it gets too chilly. You might alter their home’s temperature via remote access.
You might also use it to identify and avoid slips and trips and monitor whether they get enough sleep, eat and drink appropriately, and take their prescription on time. These solutions don’t employ microphones or cameras, so your families’ privacy and dignity are safe. They monitor movement, which may be beneficial for ensuring loved ones are OK, and visitors or caretakers come and depart on time.
2. Voice-controlled lights
Intelligent lighting management combined with a smart speaker like the Amazon Echo may enhance your loved ones’ quality of life and prevent damage.
Seniors need three to four times more light to do sight-intensive occupations like reading, stitching, and writing. As they age, our family members may struggle to adjust the lights, affecting their quality of life. Improving Grandma’s illumination isn’t only to assist her knitting.
According to the AAFP, poor or insufficient illumination contributes to many falls.
You could give your loved ones a remote control or install a smartphone app for a smart lighting system like Lutron HomeWorks. Still, if Gran has bad vision or trouble using her hands (or isn’t comfortable with contemporary technology), this might make issues worse. Link Lutron HomeWorks to Amazon Alexa or another smart speaker so they may control the lights with her voice.
3. Streamlining Your Day-to-Day Tasks
It’s not only the lights that older people can easily control, thanks to a little smart home automation.
Anything you can do to improve the quality of life for your elderly relatives who spend most of their time at home would be gratefully received.
Your loved ones may do anything from shutting the curtains at night to turning up the heat and even make sure they never miss their favorite TV programs by integrating Amazon Alexa with, say, a Control home automation system.
4. Working Assistant
Voice-controlled home automation systems may make your family members feel more independent at home, and remote access means you can still aid when required, even if you’re busy.
It’s great to have tools to assist family members in maintaining their independence, but what if they’re too ill or infirm?
If you can’t be there in person, remote access to your loved one’s home automation system may help. You may chat with them through Skype while using the app on your smartphone to manage their heating, lights, and smart home security system.
Hexa Control Smart Home Automation Systems In Toronto
Hexa Control’s home automation systems in Toronto are designed for older and disabled people. These systems will lift their quality of life. These will work as their assistants in your absence and provide comfort. Our wireless home security systems are alert and efficient. Contact us if you need smart home automation company in Toronto for your parents or grandparents.