How Can A Man Regain His Libido

How Can A Man Regain His Libido?

Libido refers to Sex drive or sexual appetite in the human body. The increasing level of libido work to maintain strong sexual desire during sex. In contrast, the low drive can cause poor attraction in males or females. 

At the age of 20, male patients experience the highest level of desire. As time passes, the desire comes down at a 1% rate per year. Most probably in their 50s, patients experience an effective drop in their sexual desire. Most patients suffer from several diseases like heart problems, high blood pressure, etc. 

These challenges tend to affect your sex life negatively. In this case, pushing some crucial habits can improve your libido. Now there are two ways to regain sex drive: Natural and medical. Consult with a doctor to know the causes of your low libido.

In this guide, we will discuss the top 10 natural ways “how Can a Man Regain His Libido?”.


 Top 10 Natural Ways To Regain A Man’s Libido?


Regular Exercise

A habit of regular workouts can help improve your libido in many ways. Strength training, yoga, meditation, swimming, etc are some exercises you can pursue as daily habits. Studies show that regular workouts influence your sympathetic nervous system positively. It helps to improve sexual arousal in both men and women. Research says 20 minutes of exercise can increase female sexual arousal by 169%.

Indeed, regular workouts improve your overall health effectively.


Start Eating Chocolates

New studies show, eating chocolates is associated with sexual pleasure. However, chocolate for sex drive has been used for many years. Medically, this delicious food tends to promote two crucial hormones in your body: phenethylamine for regulating stress and serotonin for stabilizing moods. Indeed, both of these hormones help more in psychological than biological. Eating chocolates can improve your pleasure and trigger the desire for sex during intimacy.


Consume Herbs Daily

Herbs are the best natural food that improves sex drive effectively. Experts suggest placing herbs like garlic and basils during your romantic dinner. The strong smell of those foods triggers your senses and enhances blood flow positively. In short, your desire will normally increase this time.

  • Maca
  • Basils
  • Tribulus
  • Gingko
  • Garlic
  • Ginseng

Above are the excellent herbs for stimulating your senses during intimacy. Regular consumption of these foods helps to improve sexual pleasure for both men and women.


Improve self-confidence

Poor diet, lack of exercise, negative thoughts can drop your self-image. The following patients feel hard to enjoy sex. In this case, you should shift your focus to good attributes. Try to follow regular exercise, eat healthy foods, and save time for vacations. The following habits influence your mood and focus positively. That’s how you can experience more sexual pleasure during intimacy.


Consume Healthy Drinks

Patients with low libido can include healthy drinks in their daily meals. Milk, Banana shakes, watermelon juice work to improve libido effectively. Calcium in milk can boost your libido, but overconsumption can eliminate natural hormones from your body.


The banana shake contains a vital enzyme called bromelain. Studies shows, this chemical tends to increase sex drive in the human body. This healthy shake also includes a sufficient amount of potassium. A nutrient that influences muscle contraction positively.

If you want something tasty and luxurious, try a glass of wine. Consuming sufficient quantities of wine triggers getting intimate with your partner.


Improve your sleep Cycle

Taking a proper good night’s sleep is essential to keep healthy. Lack of rest can occur with stress, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Poor sleep cycles also influence changing mood and reduce the energy level. As a result, you experience a lack of desire or interest during intimacy.

Studies show that testosterone hormone is produced in your body during your sleep. Indeed, this is a vital chemical that regulates sex drive in men. Therefore, patients should take sufficient rest daily. It will help you to boost your sex drive effectively.

Patients who suffer from sleeping disorders should consult with a doctor immediately.


Eat Certain Fruits

Figs, bananas, and avocados are the best fruits for boosting libido. All these foods include vital nutrients that boost genital blood flow in females. Daily consumption of these fruits can improve your overall health daily. So have at least 1 fruit daily in your meal. Otherwise, you can go for a banana or avocado shake in the morning. Breakfast is the best time for including the fruit shake. You can get enough nutrients that fill your body with energy.


Manage your stress

Stress, anxiety, and depression can trigger erectile dysfunction in men. ED is a sexual disorder that eliminates the ability of penis erection. Thus patients can’t perform satisfying sex with their partners. Besides, negative thoughts or stress can lower testosterone hormone in males. 

Therefore, patients’ bodies experience a lack of desire or libido. So managing your mental health is essential to boost sexual attraction. For that, you can perform regular experiences, meditation, or yoga. Besides, pursuing a healthy diet is also necessary. You can consult the doctor if the situation goes out of the circle.


Avoid Bad Addictions

Smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc. habits can ruin your sex life. Smoking can damage your arteries. Thus, blood doesn’t flow in the penis for an erection. In women, genital blood flow goes irregular for excessive smoking. In contrast, alcohol also reduces testosterone hormone in men. As a result, your sexual interest drops day by day. 

In most cases, men suffer from erectile dysfunction due to their bad addictions. ED tends to element penis erection during intimacy. In this case, medicines like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc are the best solution for patients. ED pills increase blood flow in the penis and boost erection for better sexual activity.


Save time for your relationship

Now a healthy relationship depends on physiological, mental, and physical attachment. At a certain age, you lose the desire or sexual attraction frequency. Most patients can’t perform good sex for a long period. It will harm your relationship in the future. In this case, you need to save time to take care of your partner. 

  • Discuss your fantasies
  • Get romantic
  • Touch your partner senses timely
  • Keep in physical touch daily like hugging, kissing, cuddling
  • Pursue open communication

The above steps prevent you from getting depressed or stressed due to a bad relationship.



So this is the detailed guide about “How Can A Man Regain His Libido”. Keep in mind, pursuing good habits is the best way to treat such challenges. Taking healthy nutrients, performing regular exercise, managing stress, etc. can naturally improve your sex drive.

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