How To Create Sellable Product Descriptions

Cliches and vacuous statements should be avoided.

What is the best way to write an appealing product description? Remove phrases like “great,” “high grade,” “leading edge,” and “best on the market.” Yes, your product might be all of the above. When such terms come too frequently, though, they lose their value to a customer.

Try to be more specific to avoid overused terms. Consider what you mean when you say “good quality product.” Is it covered by a lengthier warranty than your competitors? “Lifetime warranty” sounds more appealing to a customer than “excellent quality.”

If you use superlatives like “most popular” or “best,” you must back it up with evidence. “Our online course has a five-star rating on Trustpilot,” for example (don’t forget to include a link). Otherwise, avoid superlatives and concentrate on benefits.

Add testimonials to demonstrate the product’s advantages.

Social proof is a useful tool for product descriptions because it shows that you’re not the only one who thinks this item is worthwhile.

To appeal to your target demographic, use customer reviews. If at all possible, include reviews that address frequent problems and how your product helped to solve them. “This stain remover removed old grass and blackberry stains!” for example. I’ll definitely purchase more.”

Use a variety of content types.

The use of text isn’t the only way to describe a product. To promote your goods and make it easy for customers to explore and consume your content, use tables, icons, images, or videos.

You can use a PayPal logo instead of writing “You can pay with PayPal for this product.” Alternatively, if your product has won any awards, include the award badges in your product description.

Consider the benefit of including a product video. According to Brightcove, 85 percent of 18-34-year-old shoppers bought a product or service after watching a video. This form of content can help customers overcome their uncertainties and inquiries, such as “why is this product so great?” What sets it apart from others? What will I do with it?

You can use movies to demonstrate how your product works, emphasize its benefits over competitors, offer customer testimonials, and provide further information about your company.

Don’t be hesitant to express your feelings.

Even if we aren’t very interested in it, something that evokes emotions captures our attention. It works for any form of content, including movie trailers and product descriptions, and it can be your secret weapon.

There are various methods for including an emotional element in your copy. You can, for example, make a joke or a surprising fact, elicit happy recollections, or relate your product with something pleasant. Consider the following:

  • What may make your clients laugh? It’s important to distinguish between foolish, clever, and ironic humour.
  • What kinds of experiences could your audience have? How do you bring these memories back to them?
  • What matters to your customers? What can you do in your copy to solve such issues?

Let’s pretend you’re selling video editing courses to millennials. “With this course, you’ll be able to create a video just as simply as your teenage nephew does those TikToks,” you can write after listing the course’s perks.

Created with the mobile user in mind

Take all of the above advice and apply it to a mobile e-commerce user. People aren’t usually interested in reading long descriptions, especially if they’re on a smartphone or tablet.

When a buyer scrolls through large blocks of text, your message is easily overlooked. A 300-word content that is colorful and compelling can be reduced to 75 words without losing its impact.

If you like to write lengthier, more thorough product descriptions, be sure to structure them to make them simpler to read.

For easier comprehension, use formatting.

You may easily alter the formatting of product descriptions if you run an Ecwid store. This also provides your page a professional appearance.

To make your product description easier to read and scan, change the font kinds, colors, and sizes. Make headlines stand out and draw attention to material that you don’t want them to overlook. To avoid a cluttered layout, add breaks between lines. Bullet points are an excellent way to organize data, but they should be used rarely. A paragraph is made up of thirty bullet points with long, complete phrases.

Examine and revise your work.

Before you publish something for the world to see, proofread it. Consider each typo or inaccuracy as a lost consumer. Demonstrate your company’s high level of attention to detail.

It’s usually a good idea to have someone else check at your work, especially if you’re not sure in your editing abilities. Even the most diligent readers are prone to misspellings.

Review: How to Write Effective Product Descriptions

So, how do you craft an effective description? Let’s go over it again for clarity:

1.Include all of the basic information that clients could be looking for. If at all possible, avoid technical language.
2.Instead of listing features, explain the benefits of your product.
3.Make sure your product description is optimized for search engines.
4.To engage with customers, show your personality or share a tale.
5.Make sure your tone and vocabulary are appropriate for your target audience.
6.Explain how your product solves the problem by addressing the customer’s pain points.
7.Avoid using overused expressions in your copy.
8.Add client testimonials to the product description.

9. To demonstrate the benefits and application of your product, employ mixed media such as visuals, iconography, and video.

10.If at all feasible, include a humorous or emotive element in your copy.
11.Make your product descriptions look professional.
12.Make sure your product descriptions are mobile-friendly.
13. Examine and make changes to your product descriptions.

Source: product rule , product features

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