As Dhul Hijjah 2022 approaches, we are all trying to find ways to make the most of it. During this holy month, Allah bestowed the days of Arafah and Eid al Adha upon us. Along with the excitement of celebrating eid, believers want to achieve spiritual purity and peace of mind. While the pilgrims purify their souls with the hajj, Arafah is a day of forgiveness for non-pilgrims. While we want to attain this purity of souls, sometimes, we also wonder where to start and how to do it. This article highlights and motivates for ten best things one can do to benefit from the blessings of Dhul Hijjah.
1. Dhikr- Remembrance of Allah
Although remembrance of Allah is not confined to certain days and months, these holy days of Dhul Hijjah are the reminder of remembering Allah in abundance. Indeed, our hearts find peace in the remembrance of Allah.
2. Charity
Charity is a beloved deed to Allah. Maximize your good deeds during these holy days by giving dhul hijjah donations. There are many options that you can consider, both online and offline, for giving dhul hijjah donations. Many welfare organizations double their field services on the days of religious festivity. Transparent Hands is one organization you can consider while donating your charity money.
It is a trust organization that is working to provide free medical and surgical treatments to underprivileged patients in Pakistan. Donors can donate to any Transparent Hands cause or campaign via the Transparent Hands crowdfunding portal. Your Eid al Adha donations can bring a smile to someone’s face!
3. Fasting
There is a special reward for fasting as Allah promised to reward fasting beyond any measure. Fasting on the day of Arafah has its virtue. Fasting on this day provides the opportunity to extinguish the sins of the year before and the year ahead.
4. Perform Eid prayers
Performing Eid Salah in gathering is the best way to get the spiritual feeling of the blessed day. However, also be mindful of not transmitting coronavirus if you suspect infection. It is also our religious duty to prevent others from avoidable suffering.
5. The best dua
Apart from giving eid al adha donations, According to the saying of our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.), Arafah is the best day for dua. Therefore, making as much dua as possible throughout the holy days is one of the wisest things to do.
6. Gifts for Neighbours
Generosity is a virtuous act that brings us closer to Allah. Treating humanity with kindness is a key to finding bliss and happiness. Giving gifts is an expression of affection, honor, and care. Hence, it is one of the ways to strengthen the bond of brotherhood and please Allah.
7. Visit sick and needy
This Dhul Hajj, visit the sick, elderly, orphans, and poor to show solidarity and support.
8. Qurbani
It is an occasion to develop empathy and harmony. Those who can afford it should sacrifice an animal on Eid Al Adha. Collect blessings by distributing the meat among relatives, neighbors, and the needy. Prophet (s.a.w) was also used to sacrifice for those who could not afford it.
9. Hajj
Hajj is a duty to carry on at least once in a lifetime. The Muslims who possess resources by the grace of Allah should avail this chance to cleanse their souls. Those blessed to have this yearly blessing should perform hajj or make niyyah (intention) to go on hajj next year.
10. Obligatory prayers
Perform obligatory (fard) prayers. If you have missed prayers, it is never too late to start praying regularly. Make firm resolutions to avoid repeating the mistakes and aim to achieve inner purification.