For people with bad breath, it can be hard to go anywhere without getting strange looks or comments from others. One of the most common causes of bad breath is gum disease. Gum disease can also lead to other health problems in the body, so it’s important to deal with it right away. Luckily, gum stimulator treatments are available at home to treat your gum abscesses quickly and easily. Here’s how you do it.
Gum disease is actually one of the most common dental diseases in America, and can affect people of all ages. Gum disease is not only painful but also puts your health in jeopardy, as it leaves you vulnerable to heart problems and even diabetes. Fortunately for anyone with gum disease, there’s hope; treatment for gum disease includes antibiotics as well as home care that includes exercises, flossing, and mouthwash. You can also consider stimulating your gums with a stimulator (available online) or by rubbing an ice cube on them or pulling on them lightly. Today we’ll talk about how you can easily treat gum abscesses at home. So read on!
Signs of Gum Disease
You can’t just look in someone’s mouth and tell whether or not they have gum disease, but there are several signs that you might notice. First, a person with gum disease might experience bad breath. Even if they brush their teeth twice a day, floss every day, and use mouthwash daily, there is still a chance for odor-causing bacteria to accumulate. Gum disease can also cause swollen gums (gingivitis), receding gums (periodontitis), loose teeth (root exposure), pus from around teeth (pus abscess) and more severe complications like internal bleeding. At any time of gum disease diagnosis, it is important to call your dentist immediately as certain conditions must be treated by a professional before more advanced damage takes place.
Causes of Gum Disease
Gum disease is an infection of the gums caused by plaque, which is made up of food debris, bacteria, and dead cells. There are two main kinds of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis causes redness and swelling in your gums; without treatment, it may advance to periodontitis. Periodontitis involves inflammation in your gum pockets, which can lead to loosening or even loss of teeth. Both types occur when you don’t remove enough bacteria from your mouth by brushing twice a day and flossing regularly—or simply not cleaning thoroughly enough on a regular basis. It’s important that you see a dentist for regular checkups if you want healthy gums.
Treatment Options for Gum Disease
Fortunately, there are treatment options for gum disease. Your dentist can help you find what’s best for your particular condition with a few simple tests. The first is called a periodontal probing assessment. This simple test lets your dentist determine if there’s any inflammation or pockets around your teeth that have developed because of gum disease.
If there are, your dentist may recommend using a perio stimulator like those made by Dentiguard or Oral-B to stimulate and massage your gums to increase circulation in order to slow down the progression of gum disease. Gum stimulators use small amounts of electricity to clean out food particles from between teeth and gently massage infected gums until they begin healing. They’re also very helpful for people who suffer from dry mouth, which makes it harder to keep their mouths clean.
Gum stimulators are an effective way to get rid of gum disease without having to take time off work or disrupt your daily routine too much. They’re also very affordable—you can buy one on Amazon for less than $30! And while these devices aren’t covered by insurance, they still pay for themselves quickly when compared to dental procedures.
Gum stimulators are easy to use: Just put them in your mouth and turn them on! You should notice results within just a few days. It’s important not to skip brushing during times of stress or illness as gum disease tends to flare up during these times.
Also, try eating more fruits and vegetables since these foods naturally reduce inflammation throughout your body including in your gums. Remember: Always consult with a professional before trying any new treatments or making major changes to your diet. And remember: You don’t need gum surgery; you just need gum stimulation!
Heal from Gum Disease with Products from Dental LaceTM
To treat a gum abscess, you’ll need an antiseptic mouthwash and something that will stimulate your gums to heal. Most people have never heard of products like Dental Lace® Mouth Rinse or Clove LifeTM Gum Stimulator.
Both products can be found on Amazon and they do a fantastic job of healing gum abscesses, along with other benefits like preventing cavities, bad breath, and improving dental health overall. The best part is that both products use natural ingredients so there are no side effects.
A quick search for gum stimulator shows just how many options there are out there—and most of them aren’t even very good! The truth is, there aren’t many great options for gum stimulation out there because most dentists don’t know about them. That’s why we’re here! We created Dental Lace® to help consumers find effective treatments for gum disease from home without going through their dentist. If you’re looking for relief from gum disease pain now—not next week—make sure to check out our Gum Stimulators today!