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What Are the Types of Tooth Extraction?

 A dental extraction, often known as tooth removal, is the removal of teeth from their sockets. Extraction is frequently used as a last resort, such as when the tooth’s roots have been irreparably damaged due to severe decay, periodontal disease, or trauma. 

Do you have tooth decay that can’t be fixed with fillings, root canals, or fluoride treatments? 

Do you need a dental extraction to keep your teeth healthy? Before proceeding with the treatment, educate yourself on what is tooth extration.

Types of tooth extraction

Simple extractions

Simple extractions mean the extraction of teeth that are visible above the gum line. Your dentist will use an instrument known as an elevator to remove the targeted tooth.

Once the tooth is loose enough, the dentist will use forceps to rock it back and forth until it is out of the socket. Teeth that do not need extra effort to remove usually come into this category.

Mobile tooth extraction, baby tooth extraction, the tooth above the gum line are  simple tooth extraction.

Surgical extraction

If you have a more serious situation, such as impacted wisdom teeth that have not grown appropriately, your dentist can conduct a surgical extraction.

More commonly, a surgical extraction is necessary if a tooth has crack below the gum line. Also, you must remove it in fragments or if a tooth has sufficiently deteriorated to the point that forceps cannot remove it. 

The dentist makes incisions within the gum line to conduct the extraction successfully, as the term implies. A surgical extraction is performed when incision, bone, or tissue removal becomes necessary for tooth removal. 

Wisdom tooth removal

Wisdom tooth removal can come under simple or surgical extraction based on its placement. If there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth to grow (impacted wisdom teeth), it may cause discomfort, infection, or other dental problems. In such situations, surgical removal becomes necessary.

A simple extraction is useful if a wisdom tooth is grown fully, but removal is needed. Wisdom tooth extractions are frequently indicated for distinct reasons from other types of extractions. Often, patients do not have enough space for their wisdom teeth to erupt properly.

Some wisdom teeth may partially erupt through the gums. These are prone to recurring infections since the area is difficult to maintain clean and serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. Other wisdom teeth may be completely impacted below the gumline, but continual forward pressure may destroy the neighbouring dental roots. 

Finally, while some wisdom teeth may erupt completely, they may have a position so that they are difficult to keep clean. This can lead to dental deterioration in the wisdom tooth and the molar next to it.

What is the Purpose of a Dental Extraction?

There are multiple types of tooth extraction in Calgary as mentioned above but the purpose can be different for different people. Dental extractions are necessary for the following reasons, aside from damage and injuries:

Teeth Crowded

Some people have crowded teeth. If you have all four wisdom teeth, your mouth may have crowd, and your other teeth may begin to overlap. This can eventually lead to chewing and biting issues and a crooked smile. Dental extractions prepare the mouth for orthodontia, which is tooth alignment.


Damaged or rotting teeth can cause infection by extending to the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth. Bacteria in the mouth can accumulate, creating an infection that can spread to the gums and potentially lead to serious diseases.

It is generally preferable to pull the infected tooth to avoid worsening circumstances. Even the chance of infection may necessitate a dental extraction in some cases. 

The disease of the Gums

Periodontal gum disease is a bacterial infection that affects the bones and tissues that support the teeth. Infected gums may be unable to hold the tooth, making chewing or biting unpleasant. This is when dental extraction may be beneficial.

Are there any benefits of teeth extraction?

When you learn that you need to have a tooth extracted, you may believe that nothing positive can come of the circumstance. Although losing your pearly whites can cause serious oral and overall health issues if left unchecked, you may not be aware of the many amazing benefits of tooth extraction. Here are four reasons you should say goodbye to one or more of your teeth.

  • You are less likely to lose additional teeth. By extracting a severely decaying or broken tooth, surrounding healthy teeth may have separate fate. Infections can quickly spread throughout the oral cavity, wreaking havoc on other parts of your smile. As a result, you’ll most likely have to spend more time and money on complex operations to save these teeth. 
  • You Get Relief From Excruciating Pain-When your dentist suggests that you have your tooth extracted, you’re undoubtedly in a lot of pain. Nobody wants to spend every day in excruciating pain, especially if the infection or damage has spread to the roots. Your dentist can extract the tooth and relieve the discomfort with it to assist you in achieving relief.
  • You Don’t Have to Keep Irreversible Damage. Isn’t it pointless to glue a plate back together if it’s broken into tiny pieces? If the sections with damage were little enough to easily get repairing, you might think it was a worthy investment of your time. However, if there are numerous little parts, even if you can fix them, it may not provide the same level of durability.


The same is true for a tooth that has irreversible damage. When no other kind of therapy is effective, the sole option is to extract the tooth.

  • You Can have Satisfaction With Your Smile – This argument may also seem perplexing, but if you consider the options available with tooth replacements, you’ll see why extraction can be advantageous. This provides better oral health, especially after a new tooth is present in its place.
  •  You can be confident in how you look and how your teeth work if you have a dental implant inserted into your jawbone and a personalized crown, bridge, or denture attached to the top. There is no longer any pain or anxiety that your injured tooth may affect the rest of your smile.

Tips for Healing Without Complications

  • Don’t smoke since the inhalation required to smoke can damage the healing tissue and cause the socket to dry up.
  • Drinking using a straw don’t have permission. Drinking using a straw, like smoking, creates suction, impairing healing tissue.
  • You should not to brush the gums where the tooth have a hole when cleaning your teeth. Also, you should rinse your mouth with water to remove any food present.
  • Soft foods are good over hard or chewy foods. Smoothies, yogurt, and soup are examples of soft foods that will be simpler to consume.
  • Before the anesthesia wears off, take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug. This can help alleviate the discomfort and swelling that often accompany tooth extractions. Also, you can read about dental implants.

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