How to control mice in your house?

How To Control Mice In Your House?

Rats are known to spread many diseases worldwide, and these diseases can spread to people directly. Your direct contact with rodent faeces, urine or saliva can harm your health. Their dry faecal matter can be very harmful if breathed in, and some of the diseases that mice spread include Hantavirus. Several severe illnesses and health risks have been attributed to mice.

Easy access to water and food attract mice to your home, and their flexible bodies allow them to fit through spaces as a one-quarter inch, and they prefer building nests in warm and hidden spaces. The signs of mice in your house include scratch and chew marks in locations such as cabinet interiors and baseboards. You should discourage mice by storing food in sealed containers. You should also not let the pet food bowls set out and keep the trash cans covered with lids. You should strictly seal all the entry points with weather stripping or a wire screen. Many people also repel mice with a spray of apple cider and water. Some people also use hot pepper spray to get rid of them.

What attracts mice to your home?

Mice are creatures that live in virtually every country and every type of terrain, from grasslands to barren lands. Following are the three things that attract mice-

1. Shelter

Mice make their way inside the home as the weather cools and winter sets in. Due to their tiny bodies, they can fit through spaces as small as ¼ inch.

2. Food

Mice need food to stay alive, and they will sustain themselves in places where they can find enough food.

3. Nesting materials

These rodents make nests to birth and rear their babies, and they prefer soft materials like cotton and shredded paper and can also use pet hair, insulation and anything else they can get their paws on.

What are the visible signs of a mouse infestation?

Following are some sure-fire signs of a rodent infestation-

  • Chew or scratch marks

You will see scratch marks around food packaging and scratches on the baseboards or floor trim.

  • Food crumbs

You can also see food crumbs in the pantry or on the shelves.

  • Mouse droppings

These tiny pellets are seen in the corridors, under sinks and in the back of the cabinets. You can also make use of a flashlight to spot these droppings.

  • Nests

They are made of fabrics, shredded paper, strings and other types of material. 

Following are some ways to get rid of mice naturally-

1. Removing all the food sources

Mice need small amounts of food each day, enough for them to survive. For getting rid of them in your home, you can remove the things they like to eat. You should store all the grains, pet food and other dry goods in glass or metal containers. It keeps food secure since mice cannot chew it.

If you want to avoid attracting mice to your property, you should seal all the potential food sources in tamper-proof bins and avoid leaving the pet food out for extended periods. It is also essential to clean up all the spills and messes.

Many people avail the service of Pest Control Geelong and Termite Control Geelong to get rid of mice and termites. They are a locally owned and family pest control business that helps you get rid of these pests.

2. Get rid of nesting materials

You should ensure that mice won’t find any soft nesting materials by storing all fabric rugs and blankets in heavy-duty plastic storage bins. Mice can also chew up cardboard or lightweight plastic for making nests. Hence, it is wise to dispose of your unused household items. You should also pay attention to the outside of your home and remove foliage and tree branches within three feet of the foundation of your home. It is also essential to keep the inside and the outside of your home tidy and free of garbage.

3. Seal entry points

Mice will also try to make their way inside as the temperature dips. You should block their entry by using a caulk to seal the tiny holes in your foundation. To prevent entry, you can also cover the holes with duct tape and steel wool into vent openings. Steel wool is almost impossible for mice to chew. 

4. Use natural mouse repellent

We know very well that mice have a strong sense of smell and it is possible to use that to your advantage to get rid of them. Following are some steps to get rid of mice-

  • Apple cider and water

You can try mixing apple cider and water, put it in the spray bottle, and spray it around the perimeter of your house. You should use it at least once a month.

  • Fabric softener sheets

You should stuff these sheets into entry points to stop mouse traffic immediately.

  • Hot pepper solution

You can mix chilli flakes, dish soap and water to create spicy pepper spray that will deter mice and spray the mixture anywhere you want.

5. Try live traps

You can purchase live traps at goods and hardware stores. You can also set them up anywhere you have noticed the mouse activity. Most people bit them with peanut butter, popcorn or cheese. Once you have caught a mouse, you should release it at least a mile away from your home, otherwise, it could also come back again. You should wear heavy gloves and avoid touching the mouse directly.

6. Use sound

Ultrasonic units are a lot effective at keeping mice and other rodents away from your home. You can also use deterrent devices that are safe for kids, pets and other animals. You can also find them at the local hardware store and place them anywhere you have noticed mouse activity. 

7. Use essential oils

Essential oils with a strong and pungent smell such as clove oil or peppermint oil can repel mice easily. For getting the best results, you should soak cotton balls in the essential oil of your choice and then put them in the areas you have noticed the mouse activity. These areas could be drawers, cupboards or sinks.

The smell can also be an effective deterrent when it is combined with other methods.

8. Trapping

It is the fastest way to get rid of mice. While live traps catch mice and also allow you to release them, the other traps kill the mice in direct contact with them. Classic wooden snap trees are adequate for light mouse infestations. The multiple capture traps are the ones that are ideal for larger mouse populations. These traps can be baited with peanut butter or dried fruit.


Reducing your exposure to mice is an important step in decreasing the number of new gnawing pests in your home. Share these tips with family members, so that everyone is on the same page about what to do if a mouse problem should ever arise.

It’s important to set up mouse traps inside your home, so that you can keep an eye on them. In this way, if a mouse goes into one of your rooms, you can be sure that it doesn’t run off into other parts of the house, where they could cause more damage than they already have. If you’re dealing with a small infestation of mice, never attempt to kill any live animals—doing so will only attract more mice and rats to the location. There are plenty of ways to get rid of mice in your home.

Certain things might attract mice like your cooking activities, pastries and candies lying exposed in the pantry, moisture seeping from pipes and water sources, and food available along the pathways—like pet food left out in simple bowls. The use of ultrasonic sound has proven to be a highly effective and humane way to repel mice from your home. There is no need to trap the critters or kill them; they’ll just up and leave as they get sick of being under sonic attack.

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