
How valuable are Drupal modules for your website’s conversion rate

If you’ve been using Drupal CMS, you might be aware that it’s a powerful platform with countless modules and features. But like any software, it can be improved with the right add-ons. Most drupal development services make use of these modules for feature-rich website development. In this blog post, we’ll know some of the best modules to optimize your Drupal website’s conversion rate. This list is not complete, but should give you a good understanding of optimization. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Drupal modules for website conversion rate

  1. Devel

The first module is Devel, which offers a suite of tools for developers to assist with site performance. It has features including cache clearing, configuration loading, and memory usage tracking. These features are really helpful to identify areas of your website that require improvement.

  1. Boost

Boost is another amazing module that helps to enhance Drupal’s performance by lowering the amount of memory and CPU load needed to process pages. It accomplishes this by caching data in PHP variables, instead of storing it in the database or filesystem.

  1. Cache Router

If you have a heavy website with several content types, one of the important things you can do to optimize performance is to perform custom caching strategy. Cache Router is a great module that can help to customize cache settings on different sections of website, giving better control over how and where data is stored.

  1. Solr Search

Drupal’s default search feature isn’t the most powerful or accurate, hence many website owners prefer installing an external search engine like Solr to optimize their results. This module makes it simple to integrate your Drupal website with a Solr index. Hence you can get better search results without having to spend hours coding.

  1. Redis Object Cache

Redis is another popular internal caching tool that works great for dynamic data, including user sessions or page views. This module offers an interface between Drupal and Redis, hence you can take benefit of this technology framework to enhance your website’s performance.

  1. CloudFlare

CloudFlare is a content delivery network (CDN) known to improve your website’s performance by caching static assets. Deliver content to visitors from servers that are closer to their location. It’s a paid service, but well worth the investment if you have a high-traffic generating website.

  1. Varnish

Varnish is an accelerator that can greatly enhance the performance of a Drupal website. It works by caching pages and provide them to visitors without having to go through the complete page-rendering process each time. This speed up website significantly, particularly for users who are located far from your server.

  1. Memcache

Like Varnish, Memcache is another perfect way to cache Drupal website’s static content and enhance performance. But it requires more technical expertise to get set up than Varnish does, hence if you’re not comfortable with working with PHP or MySQL databases, go for a simpler solution instead.

Wrapping Up

There are a lot of amazing modules available that can help you optimize the performance and conversion rate of Drupal website. These are just a few of the most reputed ones, but there are several more that can also be useful, depending on your requirements. If you’re not sure where to start, we suggest hiring Drupal developers to install Devel, Boost, and Cache Router to get started. And if you need help with any modules, expert developers can assist you.



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